Shannon Morse Information

Shannon Morse

Shannon Morse


Content Creator
Denver, CO, USA

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Shannon Morse has been building computers since she was child-size, and discovered her love for theater early on. After college, Online Media felt like the perfect combination of both technology and entertainment. She has been podcasting since 2008 and is an influencer in consumer technology and internet security. Her expertise include hardware reviews and how-tos, tutorials for network administration and security, the credit card industry, and software defined radio.

Currently, Shannon hosts TekThing and Threat Wire (independent); Hak5 and HakTip via Discovery Digital Networks; and her own show, the Snubs Report. Shannon is an editor for shows on the Hak5 network and is proficient in Adobe Premiere Pro as well as camera operations. She is also a licensed amateur radio enthusiast.

Shannon is a public speaker, most notably keynoting AusCERT 2017, and giving talks for WISP (Women in Security and Privacy), and various panels. She is an advocate for women in technology.

She has made appearances on several podcasts on popular networks like TWiT, Revision3, Nvidia GeForce, MatPat's Game Lab, and CNET. Shannon has been an extra in Jason Bourne, Algorithm, and Unleashed. A full portfolio can be found via the link above

Shannon lives in San Francisco with her husband and two cats. She likes anime, video games, astronomy, computers, geek culture, lemon sorbet, and fried southern food. In her spare time, she loves to study Japanese culture and learn the Japanese language. She's a huge bookworm, an atheist, a couponer, and a clean freak.

Shannon is welcome to interviews, speaking engagements and guest hosting spots! If interested in an opportunity to interview Shannon or have her guest host on your podcast, please send her a message on Twitter or via Email.

Convention Guest Appearances

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