Julie Rei Goldstein Information

Julie Rei Goldstein

Julie Rei Goldstein

Valley Village, CA, USA

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Julie Rei Goldstein discovered her ever ample love/addiction for anime thanks to the local student club; and after spending 3 long years studying Molecular Biology, through a much needed epiphany, finally realized she was meant to perform. She graduated in 2006 with a B.A. In Theater Arts from San Jose State University where not only did she perform on stage, but also worked towards bringing the magic of Anime and Japanese stories to life through the arts of Storytelling and Oral Interpretation, winning the 2005 Kaucher-Mitchell Excellence in Storytelling competition with her story "The Monster Without A Name" based on Naoki Urasawa's
masterpiece Monster.
Julie Rei got her start in the Anime industry after winning the AX Idol 2005 Voice Acting competition, thanks to which she got her first chance to step into the booth and play 'Risa Nagase' in one of her favorite anime series "Paradise Kiss". She landed her first major role as 'Precia Testarossa' the tortured villain of "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (A's)" and shortly thereafter the evil 'Biris' of the Fairy Retrieval Squad in "Tweeny Witches". Since then, she's starred in the Award Winning Claymation Short "Ketchup" as the Evil Manager and Tomato Plant; the Xbox360 game "Magna Carta 2

Convention Guest Appearances

13 confirmed guest appearances

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