Vanina Walsh Information

Vanina Walsh

Vanina Walsh

Oahu, HI, USA

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Vanina Walsh is a Professional Ocean Athlete, who lives in Hawaii and enjoys being a Roxy Girl, Surfer Girl, and Starboard International Dream Team Rider. She loves everything that has to do with the ocean, including Stand Up Paddle Surfing, Longboarding, Shortboarding, and Stand-Up Paddle Racing.

Some of her most memorable accomplishments are:
*SUP Jr. Pro 2013 1st Place
*Stand Up Paddle World Tour Hawaii 2012, 2nd place in the Women's Division
*Battle of the Paddle California 2011, 1st place in the Girls Division
*Battle of the Paddle Hawaii 2011, 1st place in the Girls Division
*Hawaii Nose Riding Championship 2010, 1st place
* Starboard International Dream Team Member

Being a Roxy Girl is the dream of many young surfers, and she's getting to live that dream. In addition to all of this, she is now starting her own swimsuit line and clothing brand as well. Follow her on her Facebook fan page, Tumblr, and Twitter for more information and daily updates!

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