Jinnie McManus Information

Jinnie McManus

Jinnie McManus

Point of Contact Booking
Colorado, USA

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See also: Point of Contact Booking

A. "Jinnie" McManus was born in South Korea and raised in Aurora, CO. An admitted anime newbie, she fell in love with anime conventions at first sight and never looked back. This is her sixteenth year as a high-level convention volunteer staffer, spanning both coasts of the US and some states in between.

Currently, she's on the staff rosters for the SPJA's Project Anime (CA), Anime Milwaukee (WI) and Colorado Anime Fest (CO). She also assists and mentors conventions of numerous topics worldwide and is regularly sought out as a global influential voice on the convention circuit.

Jinnie graduated from Metropolitan State University with a degree in Public Relations, and has handled PR, special event bookings, social media and website design for 21 years.

Outside of cons, Jinnie's loves include country music, the Backstreet Boys, reading, helping conventions talk to each other, and marathoning various series-es on Netflix.

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